Adoption: a dog's second chance
"Willow Gagne
If you or someone you know is looking to add a new dog to the family, please consider adoption. Our shelters are filled with dogs and puppies DYING for a loving home. 5 MILLION dogs a year are put to their death. They have commited no crimes, they were simply unwanted.Their last relationship didn't work out,this does not mean that they're bad dogs or unlovable. Many of our Dog Stop members are former shelter dogs. We love them,and their new families love them. Here are their stories. We hope after meeting these great " kids " you to will consider saving a precious life. Thank you for letting us share.

Willow is a Jack Russell-Beagle mix dog. We adopted her at the North East Animal Shelter. She came from Puerto-Rico where they were going to put her and her four brothers and sisters down.
Willows mother got electrocuted during the first few days after birth. A representative from the SATO program worked at the shelter and took the five puppies’ home and bottle fed them until they were old enough to get a rabies shot, which is twelve weeks. Once they reached twelve weeks they flew to Massachusetts. We adopted her from the North East Animal Shelter the day she arrived.
She’s been a blessing to our family ever since. She is always full of energy but does love to nap too! Our family is glad to have adopted her from the animal shelter because we know that we have given her a nice home with plenty of love and space to run around.
She loves to run around and play with bigger dogs especially at The Dog Stop. She is one of the smallest dogs there but she defiantly doesn’t act like it. She will be running around with them acting like she is just as big even thought she is only a little pup. She’s always excited’s to turn the corner to see Amy there waiting for her arrival.

- Nicole Gagne"
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