
We adopted Jack in December of '99. We were living in Jamaica Plain, Massachusetts at the time and Angel Memorial Hopsital was right down the street. That's where we adopted him. Jack is a shepard mix. At Angel Memorial they thought he was a shepard/sharpei mix. We'll never really know, but that doesn't matter a bit!
We feel very lucky to have Jack. We couldn't have found a better dog. He is sensitive, yet fun and playful. He is obedient and loving and really good with children.
Jack LOVES The Dog Stop! It's the perfect vacation for him when when we go away as a family. He loves to be with the other dogs at The Dog Stop. He expends so much energy there that when he comes home he sleeps for a full day!
Amy suggested that we write about our adoption of Jack so that other people might be encouraged to adopt a dog. We highly recommend adoption! I grew up in Vermont and actually bred show quality Golden Retreiver puppies to pay for college. My connections could have found me a pure-bred georgeous dog, but, to be honest, I prefer a mutt instead!
We looked at potential dogs for about two months before we decided on Jack. If you decide to adopt a dog, it is important to find a personality that is the right mix for your home situation. You will know when you find the right dog to adopt--it's one of those gut feelings...! Try to find out as much as you can about the dog's past. For example, we found out that Jack was put up for adoption because his previous owners had just too many dogs to handle. We also were told that Jack had separation anxiety (which he still does) and that he LOVES to sleep in a grown-up bed (which he still does!). Knowing just a little bit about his past was very helpful. We were not told that he had been abused, but we definately know that he had been hit with a rolled up newspaper because he cowers in the corner if you even pick up a newspaper of magazine. We are sensitive to his fears, and feel so badly that someone had hurt him in the past.
Jack was our first "child". Now we have two boys age 2& 4. Jack is really good with the boys, and a very big part of our family!
I hope this helps anyone who is considering adopting a dog. I hope adoption will enrich your life in the same way Jack has enriched ours!
(Jack's mom)
Your Jack looks to us as if he is a Sheppard/Chinook mix. We have had Chinooks for 12 years and have seen lots of crosses. The Chinook breed had some Sheppard mixed in years back. Check out www.chinook-dogs.org.
Nancy & John H.
Kingston, NH
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